4th International Social Media Marketing Congress UB 2023
Faculty of Economics and Business University of Barcelona
4th International Congress in Social Media Marketing is a congress organized by University of Barcelona University Faculty of Economics and Business (Spain) & Fundació Bosch Gimpera.
The aim of the 4th International Congress in Social Media Marketing is to develop a space for reflection to provide ideas, methodologies and techniques that facilitate Social Media Marketing decision making in an increasingly competitive market and in an environment with a high degree of uncertainty that demands faster actions by companies. It aims to be a meeting between researchers with the aim of developing debate on issues related to the improvement of Social Media Marketing management in the company, University-Business collaboration and teaching innovation in digital marketing and business.
The paper presentations will be in the 2.0 Presentation Room created for this purpose on this website and which will soon be operational.
Call for Abstracts
The call for abstracts is opened so that they can send their proposals related to Social Media & Digital Marketing in any of the following areas:
- E-commerce
- Social Media Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Social Media
- Branding
- Social Advertising
- Social Marketing
- Social Media Campaign
- Social Media Management
- Social Media Strategy
- Sales promotions
- Advertising
- Corporate social responsibility
- Digital Communication
- Design, Visual Identity and Branding
- Business Management
- Digital Innovation and Transformation
Dates and inscriptions
Deadline for sending the abstract: 12/10/2023.
Notification of acceptance: 16/10/2023.
Registration deadline: 22/10/2023.
Amount: €20
*The amount of the registration included the cover the cost derived from the publications.
Registration payment
Payment will be made by transfer to:
Name: Bosch i Gimpera Foundation – UB, VAT number: ESG08906653.
Bank data:
– Bank name: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
– IBAN code: ES42 0182 6035 4302 0160 2137
In the transfer, indicate the name of your Organization, reference «Project 312162» and the name of the participant.
Submission of Abstracts
You can send your paper proposal by means of an abstract through the following link:
Submission of live presentations (PDF)
If you have already submitted your abstract and it has been accepted, you can send the presentation in PDF format through the following link:
Submission of pre-recorded presentations (Video)
If you will be participating by sending your presentation in video format, you can share the link to your video uploaded on YouTube or sent via wetransfer.com through the following link:
Remember to send proof of payment to the following form
Marketing Congress UB, the theme for this issue will focus on:
- E-commerce
- Social Media Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Social Media
- Branding
- Social Advertising
- Social Marketing
- Social Media Campaign
- Social Media Management
- Social Media Strategy
- Sales promotions
- Advertising
- Corporate social responsibility
- Digital Communication
- Design, Visual Identity and Branding
- Business Management
- Digital Innovation and Transformation
Dra. Mel Solé / Dr. Jordi Campo
Organization team
- Dra. Ana Lauroba
- Dra. Ana Argila
- Dr. Xavier Arroyo
- Dr. Emilio Vizuete
- Dra. Michele Girotto
- Dr. Jordi Aymerich
- Dr. Jaume Gil
- Dr. Xavier Llopart
- Dra. Pilar Aparicio
Scientific committee
- Dra. Ana Argila
- Dr. Xavier Arroyo
- Dr. Emilio Vizuete
- Dra. Michele Girotto
- Dr. Jordi Aymerich
- Dr. Jaume Gil
- Dr. Jordi Campo
- Dra. Ana Mª Gil
- Dra. Sefa Boria
- Dra. Pilar Aparicio
- Dr. Jordi Marti
- Dra. Belen Derqui
- Dra. Marta Tena
- Dra. Irene Esteban
- Dr. Javier Sánchez
Remember to send proof of payment to the following form